Category Archives: VITA

Death and taxes!

Both are inevitable. We can work on avoiding death and staying well but taxes….  The first step is to better understand the tax system!  and the best way to understand the system is to help others navigate the process.

1.And you know you want to do pro bono work!

2.You also want to hone your interviewing skills. The solution to address 1. &2. is VITA

Yes, being a part of the VITA team could mean that you never deal with a tax return but you are a vital link to gathering the information and explaining things to clients.

Learn more about the many levels for volunteers with VITA by joining us on Nov. 16th

199 tax returns!

Congratulations to our 2021 VITA Team!  Inspire of COVID-19 restrictions we were still able to interview, prepare, efile and mail 199 tax returns this year! In just 7 weeks. Thank these volunteers if you see them!

Kelsey Abbey.        Andrew Balcerzak #.       Isabella Blanes         Logan Brown #.                  Caroline Buchanan.     Patrick Cleary *#.     Emma Cummings *#.   Eva Diaz.                                                             Rachel Gibbs.   Mya Green *#       Jeff Gurney *#.     Joseph Hale #.   Rebecca Kennedy.          Lillian Lawrence.   Jack Mann.   David McMillan *#.     Jonathan Moon #. Elvira Oviedo.          Nicole Pares       Alisa Patterson.   Nic Perkins #.   Christina Perry *#.    Nicholas Quatraro   Madison Rhinehart.   Kristen Soucy.   Chase Thompson. Sudria Twyman.                      Jonathan Umbriano #.           Clint Wallace *#.           India Whaley#

* Indicates attorney                      # Indicates- preparers

Taxes! Think you might be interested?

Think you might be interested in helping either prepare taxes, conduct intake/interviews and be a part of an amazing team of volunteers?  Join Professor Wallace and Pam Robinson for a Q and A Session on January 19 at 1:30 on ZOOM (Log in information below)

VITA ( Volunteer Income Tax Preparation) will take place on Sat. from 9-12 for Intake/Interviews and virtually for preparers. There is a requirement for certification. Details and links will be discussed and provided during the Jan. 19th gathering. See you then



Pamela Robinson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Pamela Robinson’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Jan 19, 2021 01:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

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Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Sign up now!

Following a 20 year tradition, this year will be different but we still will prepare and file state and federal tax returns for low income people.  VITA is the IRS program we implement. Plans are being made to do things differently this year! A more virtual process with an in person intake! Details and instructions are being worked out now but in the meantime you can get certified.

Good old-fashioned copies of the training resource material have arrived.  There are two levels of certification- Intake/interviewer and preparer.  All information and the tests are online.  Note; the 2020 certification tests will be available very soon!

How do you get started? Contact the Pro Bono Program today to be placed on the distribution list and to receive the certification link!

Even if you have no interest in becoming a tax lawyer, you will be interviewing clients and this year more than ever, interviewing and problem solving will be key!Pet Food Drive Flyer