Want to help a teacher?

Please read this message from Brittany Roberts and her efforts to help SC teachers with their classroom supplies and more!  Everyone has a favorite teacher; show your love with support!

Here is more information about this amazing project https://www.sc.edu/study/colleges_schools/law/about/news/2020/striving_to_make_back_to_school_easier_for_teachers.php

With the new school year quickly approaching, I feel that we as a community can give back in a big way. The Facebook group, entitled Richland County – Adopt A Teacher, seeks to provide support to local teachers and school staff through community involvement. The goal of the group is to provide a space for educators to share their needs, wishlists, and even prayer requests with their local community members. The other members, whether it be parents, fellow  staff members, or citizens just looking to help, would be able to fulfill these needs within their means. My hope is that Richland County can band together and support those teachers, whether it be joining them in prayer or sending them supplies from their wishlists. 

You can view and visit the Facebook Group with this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2604992419764019